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FAQ Facelifting

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The Most Frequently Asked Questions About Facelifting

Unfortunately, no. Wrinkles in the cheek area, chin line and neck are perfectly corrected and treated with a facelift. Nevertheless, wrinkles on the forehead or around the eyes as well as around the mouth are not removed with a facelift. Here, further treatments, such as a Botox treatment, an eyelid lift or a peeling or laser treatment are necessary to achieve the desired result.
Depending on the type and extent of the planned changes and the facial regions to be treated, a facelift takes between 2 and 4 hours.
Although a facelift is a complex operation, it is generally not painful. Consequently, the facelift can be performed under local anesthesia. However, many patients find lying on the operating table for a long time extremely uncomfortable. In these cases, anesthesia or twilight sleep anesthesia is recommended.
The choice of the appropriate surgical method depends on the patient's needs. If only the skin in the cheek area is to be tightened and the cheek lifted a little, a so-called mini-lift may be sufficient. If the neck is also to be tightened, certain surgical extensions are sometimes necessary, as well as if the forehead or eyebrows are also to be lifted. All methods have in common that the cheek skin is lifted laterally and the facial parts are thus brought into a new position.
Once all bruising and swelling has subsided, a face lift leaves no trace of the surgery. You look fresher and more vital, you feel much more comfortable in your skin and you radiate this. However, an "operated look" is avoided in any case.
A facelift or face lift is a permanent method of facial rejuvenation and wrinkle smoothing. Depending on patient conditions and the method chosen, the results of a facelift last for many years. However, the face is still subject to the natural aging process. However, it is safe to assume that a permanent rejuvenation of about 10 years will be achieved.
A facelift is usually performed around the age of 40. However, it always depends on the individual case and whether a facelift is the most suitable method to correct the problem or to fulfill the desire for optimization. However, this question can be clarified in detail in a personal consultation and all questions can be answered conclusively.
Ideal candidates for a facelift or face lift are patients who wish to restore sunken areas in the cheeks and sagging skin in the neck to their original position, thereby achieving a younger and fresher appearance. Patients should be in good general health and should have thoroughly informed themselves in advance about the procedure and possible risks.
A facelift is an extremely effective method of smoothing out wrinkles in the face and neck area and restoring sunken tissue to an anatomical and therefore youthful position. The incision is made in front of the ear, or sometimes behind the ear, so that no scars are visible later. Using effective methods, tissue in the face and cheek area is permanently and effectively lifted and returned to its original anatomical position.