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Bariatric surgery refers to a series of weight loss surgical procedures performed on individuals who have failed previous weight loss diets and treatments. Suitable such procedures are for patients who suffer from obesity, whose well-being suffers because of body weight, and whose health is already severely compromised by excess weight. Such surgery is usually the best option for patients who have a body mass index (BMI) of 40 or lower, but already suffer from diabetes, high blood pressure, and/or other heart conditions.

Weight loss surgery is performed on the stomach or gastrointestinal tract to limit the patient’s food intake and modify the absorption of ingested substances. Through various techniques, the surgeon removes or narrows a section of the stomach to help the patient feel full faster and avoid binge eating. The most common types of bariatric surgery are a gastric sleeve and gastric bypass.


Gastric Sleeve Surgery

Gastric banding surgery, which can also be called tubular stomach surgery, is a type of weight loss surgery in which a large portion of the stomach is removed. As a result, the remaining portion of the stomach is only 25% the size of the original stomach. This means that patients have to eat smaller portions of food and change their diet.

Gastric Bypass Surgery

A gastric balloon is a temporary weight loss solution and is usually removed after 6 months. The gastric balloon is inserted into the stomach via the esophagus during a gastroscopy and only then filled with saline solution. Due to the foreign body in the stomach, a feeling of satiety is achieved even with a small intake of food.

Gastric Balloon

A gastric balloon is a temporary weight loss solution and is usually removed after 6 months. The gastric balloon is inserted into the stomach via the esophagus during a gastroscopy and only then filled with saline solution. Due to the foreign body in the stomach, a feeling of satiety is achieved even with a small intake of food.


After surgery, the patient must initially limit himself to a liquid diet to allow the body to readjust during the weight loss period. Thereafter, soft foods are gradually added to the diet. As a result, patients experience significant weight loss. The risk of cardiovascular complications is reduced and some patients even recover completely from type 2 diabetes.

If you are interested in bariatric surgery treatment and procedures, please feel free to schedule a free consultation with our surgeons.